Projectile equation
Projectile equation

projectile equation

This is our only free parameter because all of the other parameters (inputs) to the model are known or measured. Now we will attempt to use the range equation to model the data and extract the unknown launch velocity as a free parameter.


The following video demonstrates how to make the graph and add the error bars. Frames of a slow motion video used to determine the range of a projectile.Ħ) Add horizontal and vertical error bars to your graph based on the uncertainty estimates for angle and range. Based on this information, estimate the uncertainty in the distance measurements. The numbers on the meter stick are 1 cm apart. Several individual frames of one of the videos are shown below. Image Credit: Lawrence Davisĥ) Slow motion video was used to determine where the ball landed in order to measure the range. Image of the angle indicator on the projectile launcher. Based on the image, estimate the uncertainty in the angle measurements. Uncertainty EstimationĤ) Below is an image of the plumb-bob and scale use to determine the launch angle. Be sure to provide a title and axes labels with units. Place the dependent variable (we don’t control) on the vertical axis and the independent variable (what we control) on the horizontal axis.

projectile equation

angle data into the first two columns of your spreadsheet, leaving an empty row at the top for the column labels.Ģ) Label the two columns, including units.ģ) Plot the data. You can copy and paste the data into your own spreadsheet for plotting and analysis.ġ) Copy and paste the range vs. If you are completing this lab remotely, then use the data provided in the online spreadsheet. If you are collecting your own data then use the video for guidance and analyze your own data. launch angle data was collected according to the video below. We can test the range equation by examining how well it can model experimental range vs. We would like to test the range equation to verify the validity of those assumptions. Therefore, the range equation intrinsically neglects the effects of air resistance. The range equation is derived from the kinematic equations assuming a constant downward acceleration equal to g and zero horizontal acceleration. The range equation (below) allows us to predict the launch distance, or range, from the launch angle and launch speed. Recognize the assumptions built into the range equation and evaluate the validity of those assumptions for this experimental situation.Apply a maximum R 2 square fitting procedure to evaluate the success of the range equation model and extract the launch speed as a free parameter of the model.

projectile equation

Apply the range equation to model experimental projectile range device with spreadsheet program.This lab is designed to align with AAOT science outcome #1: Gather, comprehend, and communicate scientific and technical information in order to explore ideas, models, and solutions and generate further questions. 3 Modeling Projectile Range Modeling Projectile Range

Projectile equation